Source code for pythologist_image_utilities

from tifffile import TiffFile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
#from random import random
A set of functions to help read / modify images

[docs]def median_id_coordinates(np_array,exclude_points=None): """ Locate a coordinate near the center of each object in an image Args: np_array (numpy.array): Take an image where pixels code for the IDs exclude_points (list): optional. a list of tuples of 'x','y' coordinates. to exclude from being possible median outputs Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame indexed by ID with a near median 'x', and median 'y' for that ID """ nids = map_image_ids(np_array) if exclude_points is not None: exclude_points = pd.DataFrame(exclude_points,columns=['x','y']) exclude_points['exclude'] = 'Yes' nids = nids.merge(exclude_points,on=['x','y'],how='left') nids = nids.loc[nids['exclude'].isna()].drop(columns='exclude') # Get the median of the x dimension ngroup = nids.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: pd.Series({'x':list(x['x'])})) ngroup['median_x'] = ngroup['x'].apply(lambda x: np.quantile(x,0.5,interpolation='nearest')) nids = nids.merge(ngroup[['median_x']],left_on='id',right_index=True) # Subset to y values that fall on that x median nids = nids.loc[nids['x']==nids['median_x']] ngroup = nids.groupby('id').apply(lambda x: pd.Series({'x':list(x['x']),'y':list(x['y'])})) nmedian = ngroup.applymap(lambda x: np.quantile(x,0.5,interpolation='nearest')) return nmedian
[docs]def watershed_image(np_array,starting_points,valid_target_points,steps=1,border=1): """ A function for expanding a set of pixels in an image from starting_points and into valid_target_points. Args: np_array (numpy.array): A 2d array of the image where comprised of integer values starting_points (list): a list of (x,y) tuples to begin filling out from. the values of these points valid_target_points (list): a list of (x,y) tuples of valid locations to expand into steps (int): the number of times to execute the watershed border (int): the distance to remain away from the edge of the image Returns: numpy.array: the image with the watershed executed """ output = np_array.copy() for i in range(0,steps): used_target_points = valid_target_points.copy() output,filled_points = _watershed_image_step(output,starting_points,used_target_points) starting_points = filled_points valid_target_points = list(set(valid_target_points)-set(filled_points)) return output
def _watershed_image_step(np_array,starting_points,valid_target_points,border=1): #print("START WATERSHED STEP") mod = pd.DataFrame({'mod':[-1,0,1]}) mod['_key'] = 1 fullids = map_image_ids(np_array,remove_zero=False) starting = pd.DataFrame(starting_points,columns=['x','y']).\ merge(fullids,on=['x','y']) starting['_key'] = 1 n = starting.merge(mod,on='_key').merge(mod,on='_key') n['x'] = n['x'].add(n['mod_x']) n['y'] = n['y'].add(n['mod_y']) n = n.drop(columns=['mod_x','mod_y','_key']) targets = pd.DataFrame(valid_target_points,columns=['x','y']) #print("HAVE VALID TAERGETS") n = n.merge(targets,on=['x','y']) if n.shape[0] == 0 : return np_array.copy(), [] #print("SHUFFLE START") n = n.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True).\ groupby(['x','y']).first().reset_index() #print("SHUFFLE END") filled = n.pivot(index='y',columns='x',values='id') # now handle border filled.iloc[0,0:border] = 0 filled.iloc[0:border,0] = 0 filled.iloc[-1*border:,0] = 0 filled.iloc[0,-1*border:] = 0 fids = map_image_ids(filled) coords = set(zip(fids['x'],fids['y'])) start1 = fullids.loc[fullids['id']!=0] start1 = set(zip(start1['x'],start1['y'])) filled_coords = list(coords-start1) fids = fids.merge(fullids.rename(columns={'id':'oldid'}),on=['x','y'],how='right') fids.loc[fids['id'].isna(),'id'] = fids.loc[fids['id'].isna(),'oldid'] filled = fids.pivot(index='y',columns='x',values='id') return filled, filled_coords def split_color_image_array(np_array): if len(np_array.shape) == 2: return [np_array] images = [] for i in range(0,np_array.shape[2]): image = np.array([[y[0] for y in x] for x in np_array]) images.append(image) return np.array(images)
[docs]def make_binary_image_array(np_array): """ Make a binary (one channel) image from a drawn color image Args: np_array (numpy.array) a numpy array that came from a color image Returns: numpy.array: an array that is 1 where something (anything) existed vs 0 where there was nothing """ np_array = np.nan_to_num(np_array) if len(np_array.shape) == 2: return np.array([[1 if y > 0 else 0 for y in x] for x in np_array]) return np.array([[1 if np.nanmax([z for z in y]) > 0 else 0 for y in x] for x in np_array]).astype(np.int8)
[docs]def read_tiff_stack(filename): """ Read in a tiff filestack into individual images and their metadata Args: filename (str): a path to a tiff file Returns: list: a list of dictionary entries keyed by 'raw_meta' and 'raw_image' for each image in the tiff stack """ data = [] with TiffFile(filename) as tif: image_stack = tif.asarray() for page in tif.pages: meta = dict((,tag.value) for tag in page.tags.values()) data.append({'raw_meta':meta,'raw_image':np.array(page.asarray())}) return data
[docs]def flood_fill(image,x,y,exit_criteria,max_depth=1000,recursion=0,visited=None,border_trim=1): """ There is a flood_fill in scikit-image 0.15.dev0, but it is not faster than this for this application. It may be good to revisit skikit's implemention if it is optimized. Args: image (numpy.array): a 2d numpy array image x (int): x starting coordinate y (int): y starting coordinate exit_criteria (function): a function for which to exit i.e. ``lambda x: x!=0`` max_depth (int): a maximum recurssion depth recursion (int): not set by user, used to keep track of recursion depth visited (list): list of (x,y) tuple representing coordinates that have been visited border_trim (int): the size of the border to avoid on the edge Returns: numpy.array: the filled image """ # return a list of coordinates we fill without visiting twice or hitting an exit condition if visited is None: visited = set() if len(visited)>=max_depth: return visited if recursion > 1000: return visited if y < 0+border_trim or y >= image.shape[0]-border_trim: return visited if x < 0+border_trim or x >= image.shape[1]-border_trim: return visited if (x,y) in visited: return visited if exit_criteria(image[y][x]): return visited visited.add((x,y)) # traverse deeper if (x,y+1) not in visited: visited = flood_fill(image,x,y+1,exit_criteria,max_depth=max_depth,recursion=recursion+1,visited=visited,border_trim=border_trim) if (x+1,y) not in visited: visited = flood_fill(image,x+1,y,exit_criteria,max_depth=max_depth,recursion=recursion+1,visited=visited,border_trim=border_trim) if (x,y-1) not in visited: visited = flood_fill(image,x,y-1,exit_criteria,max_depth=max_depth,recursion=recursion+1,visited=visited,border_trim=border_trim) if (x-1,y) not in visited: visited = flood_fill(image,x-1,y,exit_criteria,max_depth=max_depth,recursion=recursion+1,visited=visited,border_trim=border_trim) return visited
[docs]def map_image_ids(image,remove_zero=True): """ Convert an image into a list of coordinates and the id (coded by pixel integer value) Args: image (numpy.array): A numpy 2d array with the integer values representing cell IDs remove_zero (bool): If True (default), remove all zero pixels Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A pandas dataframe with columns shaped as <x><y><id> """ nmap = pd.DataFrame(image.astype(float)).stack().reset_index().\ rename(columns={'level_0':'y','level_1':'x',0:'id'}) nmap.loc[~np.isfinite(nmap['id']),'id'] = 0 if remove_zero: nmap = nmap[nmap['id']!=0].copy() nmap['id'] = nmap['id'].astype(int) return nmap[['x','y','id']]
def _test_edge(image,x,y,myid): for x_iter in [-1,0,1]: xcoord = x+x_iter if xcoord >= image.shape[1]-1: continue for y_iter in [-1,0,1]: ycoord = y+y_iter if x_iter == 0 and y_iter==0: continue if xcoord <= 0 or ycoord <=0: continue if ycoord >= image.shape[0]-1: continue if image[ycoord][xcoord] != myid: return True return False
[docs]def image_edges(image,verbose=False): """ Take an image of cells where pixel intensitiy integer values represent cell ids (fully filled-in) and return just the edges Args: image (numpy.array): A 2d numpy array of integers coding for cell IDs verbose (bool): If true output more details to stderr Returns: numpy.array: an output image of just edges """ if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Making dataframe of possible neighbors.\n") cmap = map_image_ids(image) edge_image = np.zeros(image.shape) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Testing for edge.\n") # cmap #print(cmap.head()) mod = pd.DataFrame({'mod':[-1,0,1]}) mod['key'] = 1 mod = mod.merge(mod,on='key') mod['keep'] = mod.apply(lambda x: 1 if abs(x['mod_x'])+abs(x['mod_y'])==1 else 0,1) mod = mod[mod['keep']==1].copy() full = map_image_ids(image,remove_zero=False) attempt = full.rename(columns={'id':'next_id', 'x':'mod_x', 'y':'mod_y'}) testedge = cmap.copy() testedge['key'] = 1 testedge = testedge.merge(mod,on='key') testedge['mod_x'] = testedge['x'].add(testedge['mod_x']) testedge['mod_y'] = testedge['y'].add(testedge['mod_y']) testedge = testedge.merge(attempt,on=['mod_x','mod_y']).query('id!=next_id') testedge = testedge.loc[(testedge['x']>0)&\ (testedge['y']>0)&\ (testedge['x']<image.shape[1])&\ (testedge['y']<image.shape[0])] testedge = testedge[['x','y','key']].drop_duplicates() testedge = full.merge(testedge,on=['x','y'],how='left') #testedge['edge_id'] = testedge['id'] testedge['edge_id'] = 0 testedge.loc[testedge['key']==1,'edge_id'] = testedge.loc[testedge['key']==1,'id'] #print(testedge.shape) #print(testedge.head()) im2 = np.array(testedge.pivot(columns='x',index='y',values='edge_id').astype(int)) # Now lets clear the edges trim_distance = 2 for y in range(0,im2.shape[0]): for i in range(0,trim_distance): im2[y][0+i] = 0 im2[y][im2.shape[1]-1-i] = 0 for x in range(0,im2.shape[1]): for i in range(0,trim_distance): im2[0+i][x] = 0 im2[im2.shape[0]-1-i][x] = 0 return im2.copy()
#cmap['is_edge'] = cmap.apply(lambda x: _test_edge(image,x['x'],x['y'],x['id']),1) #edge_image = np.zeros(image.shape) #orig = map_image_ids(edge_image,remove_zero=False) #edge_image = orig[['x','y']].merge(cmap[cmap['is_edge']==True],on=['x','y'],how='left').\ # pivot(columns='x',index='y',values='id').fillna(0) #if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Finished making edge image.\n") #return np.array(edge_image)